Arhitectura peisagistica tip hexagon a Squarului cu vechile curti orientate la interior si alinierea din veche harta a parcelelor cu case renumerotate din strada redenumita de cateva ori fie str.Clucerului A , fie Aleea D,fie Prelungirea AVEDIC din 1923 cu care Arh.Trajenescu castiga Marele Premiu poate deveni un nou proiect peisagistic, de pictura, un mic atelier chiar de desen tehnic,proiectare si croitorie design alaturi de parteneri ONG-uri pentru insusire aptitudini noi celor plurivalenti.”Planurile caselor sunt semnate de arhitectul Ion D. Traianescu, (numele fiind consemnat de asemenea pe faţada casei-simbol), detaliu ce ne trimite către concursul de locuinţe din decembrie 1910 despre care am vorbit în episodul de acum o lună. Arhitectul fusese unul dintre câştigători. I se încredinţează parcelarea a trei străzi: pe Clucerului se ridică 11 imobile (duble), pe Petofi Sandor zece locuinţe duble şi o a 11-a clădire simbol, în timp ce pe strada Ady Endre spaţiul permite construirea a nouă imobile duble; aşadar 31 de imobile, construite după acelaşi plan, tipul C, cu două camere la etaj şi două la parter, suprafaţa de 55 m.p. (vezi foto) Aşa cum ne detaliază C. Sfinţescu, suprafaţa terenului era de 11.400 mp (terenul fusese donat de Primărie Societăţii), din care 4.800 (41%) era reprezentat de străzile deschise. S-au împărţit în 62 parcele, în medie de 180 mp. (Răzvan Voinea, Dana Dolghin, Parcelarea Clucerului: proiectul câştigător al arhitectului Ion D. Traianescu)Citiți mai mult pe aici

History of the birth places has many stories of life behind beatitude

Most of us are happy to talk about the child times when the history of the birth places were hidden to us and the grand discoveries at that age seem to be the surroundings by gardens, trees, flowers from neighbourhoods as the children’s early memories are durables for long time. Growing up they learned mores from the the elderly meaning point of view concerned about them having more time for old stories about their developing projects idea of life, homes, refurbishment efforts to secure and preserving them as style of life, work and relaxing during various free time along the life cycles.

One of more interesting part of romanian histories places are lying under the files not open for many years as some start-up projects were build after the first world war and once the 1918 Great Unity of Romanian people from Principals of three regions was the milestone project under the laws allowing large property management transfer from the old ones to the estate engaged into transforming urban faces of the old Communal Urbanism administrative organisations, places of little houses, garden and terrain properties or large ones based on new conditions of accessing a style of living.

For examples parts of old owners large properties including the communal property or religious owners were acquired by estate through various forms also by expropriation and systemized to be used for reselling to others under new configurations of the old plots into new portions based approvals. The law nr.3093/1921 appeared in Official Monitor no.159/18 Oktober 1921 changed the old Communal Domains of Bucharest based alignment general planning approved by the decret no.1882/26 April 1921 for the old property of the heritage of Boerescu descendents from Kiselleff bought from them by the City Hall of Bucharest in the proximity of str.Clucerului for 67000 sqm, the other part being split into 20 plots sold at auction at the prices setup at the meeting of Communal Council with the avis of Superior technic council for alignment of Clucerului street, to the aim of building new houses into neo romanian arhitectural style in the proximity of the initial Square Garden having circular with geometrical flowers design in semi-hexagonal format arrangement of the slots where the 20 portions were part of a cession contract from the City Hall new owner toward a construction society to build cheep houses for single family into an specific arhitectural style toward Clucerului A street being separated of the others plots from Kiselleff by a little square. So the cost of public utilities were evaluated and shared half with the new owners and 50% of the yard should have been plenty of trees and flowers., the payment being 40% at the moment of contract concluding and 4 installments in maxim 3 years from the signing date and buildings in maxim 4 years,with the avis of Contencios department of the City Hall as the seller for eg. the Plot no.31 from the old street name

Calea Aradului having in neighbourhood in the East for 19 sqm the old name Prelungirea AVEDIC street (actual B.St.Delavrancea ) , in the Midnight part of the night with the old name Prelungirea Clucerului street for 19 sqm with the Plot no.39, in the West , in the Mid of the day South having the Plot no.32 and the SQUAR Format having as neighborhood the Plot No_ _, accordingly the annexed, planning of slots, signed by the all parties of the conclude contract, having a given surface plus an additional surface of 95 sqm as superficies rights acquire for a higher price than the slot price per sqm assigned for auction. The communal part of the contract preserved the privilege rights of the terrain in case of unpaid installment rates and also for the Funciar improvements part of contributions of the owner to utilities cost, under the constraints that the buyer can not resell the building only after 5years from building and he was able to pay the hole price along 20 years.Many years after 1948 the estate expropriated again and redesigned the names of the streets.

So, after the plot planning and purchasing phase the street of Clucerului becames the street no.A, B, C, D…and what was changed also were the no of the houses built an approved or the name of the owners part not capable to finalize the contract signed for unpaid rates reasons or changes in family life that urge them to sell part and grouping more buildings on a smaller subplots for group of buildings, having changed the numbers as more owners becames in the mean time some being par of large family. So after 1948 the old street no.A Clucerului renamed Street D Parc Delavrancea becames

Ady Endre. Before the name A, the old name was Street Prelungirea AVEDIC in the proximity of the Square, Aleea D Parc Delavavrancea as in 1923 was accordingly with the allingment approved after first version as new streets configurations imposed adjustments of the urbanism arhitecture plans also the Square was translated into an proximity of Aleea D as new other 31 slots appeared splitter along new street A and B to be build by a construction society for cheep homes based concesions of the terrains made by the City Hall as the buyers paid installments for 20 years so many people was able to became owners as the low 3093/1921 made possible accession over the terrains over the home were built or to be developed.

In reality between 1923-1933 a lot of re-slotting were made and the initial parcel surfaces were modified mainly by shorting them and the slots received new numbers over the new plans of allingment. So on the street Clucerului A was projects of 5 houses on the slot plus 1 on the corner with street Clucerului B (after this B was renamed C) having other 5 houses having in the interior yards the half of the hexagonal Square Garden having access from the Aleea D which cross the str.Prelungirea AVEDIC. On the other hand another house was just behind the houses in the interior yards just near the hexagonal Square. On the part of the East of the hexagonal Square were projected another 5 houses on the str.Prelungirea AVEDIC which had also access from the Aleea D Parc Delavrancea which made them visible from the street having also a large portion of slots for a school having access from the corner and street B (becamed C).

After 1938 the law allowed Funciar Books to be registered with the owners names at the Court of Bucharest-Ilfov but after 1940 some buildings were affected seriously and some owners had changed or rebuilt partially based new authorisation of the new unified Funciar books attesting their property ownership except those having as concessionaire the society of cheep Construction which dissapeared after 1948 and the owner families received the right to a single apartment to live based on a partially rent agreement and the other were given to rent to other eligible people’s.

” Pentru acest scop se va întrebuinţa cu aprobarea Comitetului agrar şi părţi din pământul arabil al păşunilor comunale, acolo unde va fi nevoie.

Art. 78. –

Pământul expropriat se vinde în loturi celor îndreptăţiţi şi în următoarea ordine de precădere:

1. Mobilizaţilor în răsboiul 1916-1919;

2. Mobilizaţilor în campania 1913;

3. Văduvelor de răsboi pentru copii;

4. Agricultorilor mici lipsiţi de pământ;

5. Agricultorilor cu proprietăţi mai mici de 5 ha;

6. Orfanii de răsboi.

Art. 79. –

La condiţiunile egale de îndreptăţire se vor preferi în aceeaş categorie:

a) Invalizii:

b) Cei cari în trecut au muncit pe moşie;

c) Cei cari au inventar şi gospodărie întemeiată;

d) Cei cari au mai mulţi copii;

e) Cei mai în vârstă.

Art. 80. –

În caz de paritate de condiţiuni între îndreptăţiţi din aceeaş categorie şi de neajungerea numărului loturilor se va proceda prin tragerea la sorţi. La distribuţia loturilor pe lanuri se va avea în vedere legăturile de rudenie, de prietenie ale lotaşilor, precum şi de situaţia în care se găseau ei în cultivarea acestor locuri înainte de împroprietărire.

Art. 81. –

În comunele unde nu sunt moşii expropriabile se vor preferi la împroprietărire îndreptăţiţii din categoriile 1, 2 şi 3 din aceste comune, pe pământul expropriat din moşiile comunelor învecinate, până la o depărtare de 5 km înaintea îndreptăţiţilor din categoriile 5 şi 6 din aceste comune, dacă au muncit în trecut pe moşie.

Pentru acest scop se va întrebuinţa cu aprobarea Comitetului agrar şi părţi din pământul arabil al păşunilor comunale, acolo unde va fi nevoie.

Art. 78. –

Pământul expropriat se vinde în loturi celor îndreptăţiţi şi în următoarea ordine de precădere:

1. Mobilizaţilor în răsboiul 1916-1919;

2. Mobilizaţilor în campania 1913;

3. Văduvelor de răsboi pentru copii;

4. Agricultorilor mici lipsiţi de pământ;

5. Agricultorilor cu proprietăţi mai mici de 5 ha;

6. Orfanii de răsboi.

Art. 79. –

La condiţiunile egale de îndreptăţire se vor preferi în aceeaş categorie:

a) Invalizii:

b) Cei cari în trecut au muncit pe moşie;

c) Cei cari au inventar şi gospodărie întemeiată;

d) Cei cari au mai mulţi copii;

e) Cei mai în vârstă.

Art. 80. –

În caz de paritate de condiţiuni între îndreptăţiţi din aceeaş categorie şi de neajungerea numărului loturilor se va proceda prin tragerea la sorţi. La distribuţia loturilor pe lanuri se va avea în vedere legăturile de rudenie, de prietenie ale lotaşilor, precum şi de situaţia în care se găseau ei în cultivarea acestor locuri înainte de împroprietărire.

Art. 81. –

În comunele unde nu sunt moşii expropriabile se vor preferi la împroprietărire îndreptăţiţii din categoriile 1, 2 şi 3 din aceste comune, pe pământul expropriat din moşiile comunelor învecinate, până la o depărtare de 5 km înaintea îndreptăţiţilor din categoriile 5 şi 6 din aceste comune, dacă au muncit în trecut pe moşie.

Happy +50th Birthday! Meal events or workshops could became a pleasure of senses while creative cooking skills could makes you feel better once healthy products choices are most preferred together with delicious desert and appropriate companionship into a relaxing ambient

#turning40 — Some people might think it’s wa bit self-absorbed of me to send out my own bithday greeting, but hey! It’s my #40th birthday. My original plan was to sleep all day. Instead, I’ll be working. However, at least I have Saturday off. I’ll have more posts about turning 40 on my You Have […]

via Happy 40th Birthday to Julie Anne, U.S. Writer for Hire — Author Julie Anne

About the motivation of “Being Woman” beyond the age…before celebrating 8th March we need time for be prepared… translation Despre motivatia de “A FI FEMEIE” dincolo de varsta…in ajun de “8 Martie” ne pregatim…


Paper Fashion — Discover

Artist Katie Rodgers works at the intersection of fashion, drawing, and mixed media. On her site, you’ll find whimsical creations and a behind-the-scenes glimpse of her process.

via Paper Fashion — Discover

Happy Birthday Lady, Happy Birthday to my little baby blog borned 1 year ago, is named

Happy Birthday Lady, Happy Birthday to my little baby blog borned 1 year ago, is named

via Happy Birthday Lady, Happy Birthday to my little baby blog borned 1 year ago, is named


Invitation for Expats, Friends and Family or Citybreak now in Bucharest-“le petit Paris” with International Festival of wine in french tradition of Beaujolais, Saturday 22 November 2014

Invitation for Expats, Friends and Family or Citybreak now in Bucharest-“le petit Paris” with International Festival of wine in french tradition of Beaujolais, Saturday 22 November 2014.

via Invitation for Expats, Friends and Family or Citybreak now in Bucharest-“le petit Paris” with International Festival of wine in french tradition of Beaujolais, Saturday 22 November 2014.

Encourage people to reveal you good experience

The way you learned in the childhood the good manners, the same apply when networking for those not developed their habits of finding new enjoyable ways of making their life, daily or related to their interests, hobby or business need, easier. Indulging yourself is what someone looks beyond the work colleagues and family. Either they are too busy to look in the right place to extend their choices  or just need to rise their awareness about how they will be able to do, or simply invite them at an event which suit to one of their interests. The smart people will choose usually based on their mood before took one or another from the basket, what is important than is what they had found there satisfied them in agreement with the level of their own expectation. Advising someone to one event or networking is like directing him for one-shop or to an larger multiple choices with one event which bring him more to their needs constantly, otherwise next time they will try a different offer.

So, if you know people in your local community having a good sense of best events in the town, events where usually they find some products, commercial, do not forget about the social context to which relate them to each other for one of them. Some of them will might be tested so many courses, training, conferences,books so what they really care is socializing, interacting based on their experience, education level, status looking for rewards like recognition, emotional relating to others which is not offered through incentives online.

When you by chance meet some charismatic figure, concerned and liking people to spread his good advices, having reached already a good reputation kn his business enough to not relay on his family networing, willing to give a “return”  back to the local community where he built and achieved his succes, please recommend to join this ClubSinectic.

You will have first the advantage of beneficiate of what is best once 2 or 3 such people will help me found this Club, at least you’ll be able to select from the multiple offers being advised first based on your own selection of interest needs shared within, before looking through bulk, so only 3 offers pre-selected will save your time and save other unseenable costs you might encounter.Winn time and value for your money by fill in the form, by category, is as simple. The next comments is order you give related to an actual need.

Spreading this message and building toghether this place! Do not forget, the firsts have always their privileges because they have idea clear from the start.